Eye Protection ? Here's why

Where did you get those peepers ?
Here are some of the practical reasons why you should consider fitting your dog with sunglasses.
PANUS Also known as Chronic Superficial Keratitis, Pannus is a common canine eye disease which creates an inflammation in the cornea. This condition frequently occurs in areas where UV rays are strong and damaging. If exacerbated by sun exposure Pannus can lead to scarring and blindness. Many breeds are affected but German Shepherds are frequent sufferers. Eye protection such as Doggles or Rex Specs have 100% UV lenses to block out the harmful UV rays and prevent the progression of Pannus.
AIRBORN DEBRIS Dust and other air born debris can be dangerous for your dogs eyes. If your dog is a regular to the back of the ute or insists on having their head out the window goggles are essential. A small amount of dust or dirt can lead to the formation of eye ulcers in all breeds.
DRY EYE SYNDROME Wind exacerbates the medical condition known as dry eye syndrome. Dry eye syndrome is when the production of tears used to lubricate and flush the eyes stops. Drying & inflammation of the cornea results. This appears as a swelling and itchiness in your dog’s eyes. The condition can occur in any breed, Spaniels, Bulldogs, Westies, Pugs & Yorkshire terriers are frequently affected. Eye protection will prevent the condition